


iDAC - Infrastructure Development Architecture Construction
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Χώρα αναφοράς: ΙΝΔΙΑ
Ημερομηνία: 17/09/2019
Σχετικός σύνδεσμος: https://10times.com/idac-mumbai
Έκδοση: Γραφείο Ο.Ε.Υ. Νέου Δελχί (Αρμοδιότητα και για Μαλδίβες, Μπανγκλαντές, Νεπάλ, Σρι Λάνκα)
Πηγή: Nova Exhibitions & Confrences
Κείμενο: iDAC - Infrastructure Development Architecture Construction iDAC Expo, India’s largest knowledge sharing platform which supports innovation in the industry wherein Exhibitors from around the world showcase their potential by providing detailed demonstrations of latest products and services within industry segmented pavilions which are curated by renowned architects from the fraternity. 30 Jan-01 Feb 2020 Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC), Mumbai, India
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